If the shoe fits..

Blown away series 3 episode 4

Photo Credit: Blown Away Series and Marble Media Official.

I love art history and I love religious, particularly catholic, imagery. The idea of the seven deadly sins has always fascinated me... or at least it has since David Fincher made them a part of popular culture.⁠ Art historian and Deputy Director of Pilcuck Glass School, Donna Davies, was the guest judge on this challenge.

If the Shoe Fits... was made for the seven deadly sins challenge as an illustration of greed. The piece is not meant to refer to collectors of $300 dollar sneakers, but to the companies that make them and sometimes rely on the backs of poor workers in order to maximize profit. The title is a reference to the Cinderella story, one I often associate with the fantasy of coming from nothing and finally "making it". ⁠

The shoe and pillow were intended to mimic different flesh tones, almost as if one is stepping on the other in order present itself in a more luxurious way. It is meant to be a (not so) subtle reference to contemporary (and historical) colonialism, one which is often mimicked by multinational conglomerates. ⁠