John 'Sleepy' Moran Glass and Mixed Media ART

John’s naturalistic aesthetic is also influenced by children’s imagination and iconography – the dramatic fate of contemporary children is inspiration for his creative work. If we add to that all the religious and street symbols he uses, we end up with a shocking blend which the artist uses as a deliberate strategy for pulling us out of passivity and apathy, waking us up from lethargy. A blend intended to arouse a number of contradictory, layered emotional responses.
- Dominika Drozdowska
John ‘Sleepy’ Moran is a contemporary artist and sculptor working mainly with glass. He is known for his narrative style mixed media and glass sculptures. With over 25 years working as a glass sculptor and incorporating his realistic glasswork into thoughtful, yet biting commentary. Most known for his work that fearlessly blends history, philosophy, and social commentary with images of pop culture, fantasy elements, and surrealistic motifs, he also creates powerful works inspired by personal events, mortality, and the human condition. He is a prolific artist originally from Philadelphia, and currently residing in Gent, Belgium.


Yearning to Breathe is modeled after The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog by Casper David Friedrich, though takes the child-like form of a fellow expat. She looks out over a flowing stream made of disneyfied rubble with elements of life peeking through all throughout. It flows into a sewer grate, a symbol of death, with a patch of grass growing from it, signifying rebirth. She holds a ragged teddy bear, signifying nostalgia. There is a paper boat, covered in crayon writing, held in place by a chain linked to the wrist of the teddy bear signifying nostalgia holding us back.

Who wants to get Wasted? While Mickey Mori is a symbol of twisted consumerism, he tries incredibly hard to be as ecologically minded as possible. Celebrating an age of enlightenment, Mickey Mori Wasted is sculptural series utilizing the waste glass produced by our studio. Each piece is a unique combination of different colors, patterns, and distinctly recycled grin. This quirky series of hand sculpted Mickey Moris is meant to be a reminder that all actions, big or small, can have a massive impact. Each Mickey Mori Mini is a subtle yet poignant protest against corporate owned copyrights of artistic creations. As we speak, AI is scanning the internet to find tidbits, components, details, and concepts used to create prompted artistic works. Who owns these works? Who will own each of the elements used in the creation of these works when all is said and done?

works of art that fall into the realm of society, politics, pop-culture, material, and craftsmanship